C14 0.36 meter AIT

Observing Program

The C14 AIT was put together and automated by M. Williamson at TSU. Between 2006 September and 2008 June, C14 operated from the roof of Vanderbilt University's Dyer Observatory inside an automated enclosure built by R. Alvey (Dyer). It acquired images of a variety of targets for Vanderbilt and TSU faculty, staff, and students, including transits of extrasolar planets, extrasolar planet host stars, open and globular clusters, and a variety of variable stars.

The telescope was relocated to darker skies at Fairborn Observatory and began making new observations in 2011 February and continues to the present. Targets include exoplanet and exoplanet candidate host stars, transiting exoplanets, along with a variety of deep sky objects and variable stars.


  • 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain optics and tube assembly from Celestron
  • Focal Ratio f/11, Effective Focal Length 3.910 meters
  • GTO 1200 German Equatorial Mount from Astro-Physics
  • STL-1001E CCD Camera from Santa Barbara Instrument Group (SBIG)
  • Kodak KAF-1001E, 1024 x 1024 x 24 mic pixels, 24.6 x 24.6 mm
  • Field of View 21 x 21 arcmin @ 1.2 arcsec per pixel
  • Johnson B & V, Cousins R & I, and Stromgren y filters