Chromospherically Active Stars. XVIII. Sorting Out the Variability of HD 95559 and Gliese 410 = DS Leonis

Francis C. Fekel and Gregory W. Henry

AJ, 120, 3265, 2000

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Johnson BV Photometric Data Sets from T3 APT

These six data files contain the Johnson BV differential magnitudes summarized in Tables 3, 5, and 6 from the T3 APT. The first column gives the heliocentric Julian Dates (HJD - 2,400,000) and decimal. The second column gives the differential magnitudes.

HD 95559 - HD 95242 (B)

HD 95559 - HD 95242 (V)

Gliese 410 - HD 95242 (B)

Gliese 410 - HD 95242 (V)

HR 4269 - HD 95242 (B)

HR 4269 - HD 95242 (V)